Strategies et Methodologies


“Build a democratic communication space which facilitates the promotion of human rights, democratic governance and the strengthening of social justice in Africa”


PIWA pursues its mission through its three objectives, implemented using five-year strategic plans:

  • Objective 1: “Develop an inclusive media and political, legal, organisational and technological landscape, which helps to democratize communication”.  
  • Objective 2: “Contribute to the production, dissemination and accessibility of information that is favourable to social change”
  • Objective 3: “Strengthen the informational and communication capacities of social change agents (media, civil society) as well as their institutional capacities.”



PIWA’s methodologies include: sensitization and advocacy.


PIWA’s first objective is to ease the organization of public discussion and political dialogue, which help promote and consolidate respect for universal human rights and democratic and participatory governance.